About Us

Our team includes more than 30 scientists and experts. We have been collaborating with international experts in the fields of business, computer science, chemistry, and biology, among others. TERAIN’s core intellectual capital is connected to the Sustainability Research Team (SRT) at University of Granada (UGR). The UGR is one of the top 200 best universities in the world according to the Shanghai University Ranking. In addition, the SRT is one of the most productive European research groups in the field of business and sustainability. The SRT members have published in top tier academic journals and are among the principal investigators in research grants funded by prestigious national and international organizations.

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Our Leadership Team


Principal Investigator

J. Alberto Aragón-Correa

Professor of Strategic Management, T-Systems Chair of Sustainable Digital Innovation.

Principal Investigator

Nuria Hurtado-Torres

Professor of International Business, Director of the SRT Team.

A great team of independed experts using real and reliable data to provide innovative and objective impact scores that aim to assess the environmental risks of facilities, companies, and regions.