Our Data

We only use relevant, reliable, objective, and detailed data for our analyses.

We only use relevant, reliable, objective, and detailed data for our analyses.

  • Relevant Data
  • Reliable Data
  • Detailed Data

While corporate plans, disclosures and letters have traditionally been used as proxies for the environmental situation, we strongly believe that it is time to focus on the real impact emerging from chemical discharge and waste production.

Relevant Data

We use data on chemicals and pollutants released to the air, water and soil, or that have been transferred off-site for treatment by other facilities. All these toxic materials are the actual source of the environmental impact and damage to our planet, including the human being. In general, our data includes all the chemicals that cause:

  • Cancer and other chronic ailments in humans
  • Significant acute, adverse effects for human health
  • Significant adverse environmental effects

Reliable Data

Our data comes from Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs). PRTRs are mandatory registers in multiple countries that governments make available for the public. They typically require that the owners or operators of facilities with toxic emissions (e.g. industries such as manufacturing and mining) quantify and report them to their governments on a regular basis. Governments began working on PRTRs in response to Agenda 21, an action plan that resulted from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro (1992).

Most pollutant registers provide long lists of pollutants per facility, but limited opportunities to compare or assess their impact. We make sense of all the available data by providing a rigorous methodology that generates useful information.

We use all the available information about the multiple pollutants and chemicals generated by facilities in the most polluting industries all around the world.

Detailed Data

We use all the available information about the multiple pollutants and chemicals that are generated. Just for illustration purposes, the U.S. analyses on our database are comprised of more than 770 individually listed chemicals and 33 chemical categories covered by the U.S. PRTR (i.e., the TRI Program). All the individual facilities that manufacture, process, or otherwise use these chemicals, in amounts above what the regulatory levels establish in each region, must submit annual reports for each chemical. Our data is based on those reports.


A great team of independed experts using real and reliable data to provide innovative and objective impact scores that aim to assess the environmental risks of facilities, companies, and regions.