Environmental risk indexes

Our results will show detailed information regarding how each index is generated and their implications.

Our environmental risk indexes reflect current and past creation of environmental impact that helps to predict future impacts as well. Positive results in our indexes mean that there are fewer chances of suffering the negative regulatory, financial, and reputational consequences that come with high environmental risks.

You can watch the following video, to understand how they work.

TERAIN´s environmental risk indexes help executives, investors, communities, government agencies, consumers, activists, and other stakeholders in their informed decision making.

Risks stemming from climate change and environmental issues are changing the road map for business organizations and regions. Smart monitoring through comparisons and predictions may help to avoid some of these risks. We use algorithms to transform objective data about environmental impact into useful indexes.


A great team of independed experts using real and reliable data to provide innovative and objective impact scores that aim to assess the environmental risks of facilities, companies, and regions.